All About Merrick

“Happy Halloween” by planes, space, nature is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

Merrick Mysteria: Site Storyteller & Curator of Misty Oracle Grove

On this site, you will find posts on horror history in literature and film, cult movies, the paranormal, and more. As someone who enjoys sharing knowledge and acquiring more, I hope to make this site a treasure trove of information on the bizarre, supernatural, eccentric, and mysterious. 

I enjoy vampire stories the most, especially ones that explore their sense of alienation and the many conflicts they face as outsiders. I would describe myself as a perpetual outsider looking in, someone who walks between worlds and fits in none. I am an interdimensional being from the Shadow Realm, able to manifest in the flesh. I have always been curious about the unknown. This world, the material world is an otherworldly and mysterious plane from my perspective as my world would be to yours. 

Whilst manifesting in the flesh, I often wear black because it comforts me. As for other personal details, I am whatever you think I am.  As a being of the Shadow Realm, I have no specific gender and can manifest physically as whomever I want. What matters most here is a love for the bizarre, eccentric, and the supernatural, a love for dark fantasy, and freedom of expression.

So, with that said, welcome to my home. In Misty Oracle Grove, we embrace the shadows. 

Misty Oracle Grove

Misty Oracle Grove is located in a remote area of the shadowy recesses of your mind, a macabre gingerbread house in the darkest corners of your imagination. Within its walls, feel free to explore the macabre and strange. If you love horror and enjoy learning about strange subjects, our library is the place for you.

The name Misty Oracle refers to life’s uncertainties. We never know what waits for us in the shadows, it could be a friend, foe, or indifferent stranger.

For me, Misty Oracle Grove is an ornate Queen Anne Victorian house, painted black with crimson accents. Its halls are shadowy, decorated with mirrors here and there. Mirrors are like eyes looking in from another dimension. If you gaze into one of them someone may be looking back. Some of our mirrors and paintings serve as portals to another dimension or time.

Misty Oracle Grove experiences harsh winters and hot summers. So, in winter, the trees are bare like skeletal hands clawing at the sky or perhaps paused to reach out and grab you as you draw near or…to show you the way to the door. In summer, their leafy branches offer the comfort of shadows, shade from the glare of the blinding sun.

Whatever the season is, come in and make yourself at home.

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