Vivica Vial: Guardian of the Ethereal Misty Oracle Grove


Spirit medium Vivica Vial is Merrick Mysteria’s liaison between the material world and the Shadow Realm, the dimension in which Merrick’s energy originated. Vivica’s life journey began on Samhain, Halloween, the night when the veil between the dimensions is thin. Born under Samhain’s mystical moon, Vivica would never have a typical existence. From a tender age, she felt an inexplicable pull towards the ethereal, a bond with spirits that eclipsed her ties to the tangible world. 

Her early twenties marked a pivotal Samhain; deep in meditation, her aura caught the attention of Merrick.  A conduit opened, and a stream of wisdom and wonder flowed. Vivica imparted her earthly tales, while Merrick unveiled secrets of spectral spheres. Together, they wove a tapestry of knowledge, blending the corporeal with the celestial.

Merrick, ever-curious about our physical plane, had long pondered the intricacies of corporeal existence. Their ambition materialized as a stately Victorian manor, nestled within the secluded, whispering groves—a sanctuary for their kindred spirits.

Adorned in the elegance of night, Vivica finds solace in the embrace of shadows and the symbolism of mortality. Death, to her, is not an end but a metamorphosis—a philosophy mirrored in her attire and the macabre.

In Vivica’s words:

“I’m a stranger in a strange land, delving into subjects that whisk me away from the mundane. Reality? I face it head-on, though it’s not to my liking. Society and I are like parallel lines—close, but never quite meeting. In my solitude, I find solace in the escape offered by supernatural horror, the bizarre, and the delightfully irreverent. While I keep an open mind, I approach the paranormal with what I consider healthy skepticism. Even with my strange, otherworldly experiences, I don’t believe everything I hear about paranormal events.”

“Death fascinates me, from the science of decomposition to the intricacies of forensic medicine. I’m captivated by the history of embalming and the burgeoning death-positive movement. Embracing death and its imagery isn’t morose—it’s an acceptance of the inevitable. What sends shivers down most spines is where I find my comfort. It’s not just a phase; it’s who I’ve always been.”



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